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Early Australian Exploration
 1600 - 1800

At around CE 150 a brilliant Greek astronomer named Ptolemy drew a map of the world, speculating that land masses might lie beyond the known European world. Like many others, Ptolemy believed there was a Great South Land to balance the landmass of the Northern Hemisphere.


He called his imagined land Terra Australis Incognita – the unknown south land.


Maps drawn around the 5th Century AD showed the world shaped like a sphere, with the three known continents of the Northern Hemisphere balanced by a similar landmass to the south of the equator. 

Centuries later, explorers set out to discover this great southern land.

Listed below are some of those voyages. (see more at the Museum of W.A.) There are also links via the images to relevant website with more information.

Michael Pearson has written a comprehensive article GREAT SOUTHERN LAND The Maritime Exploration of Terra Australis  which is highly recommended

Willem Janszoon
Dirk Hartog
Adrian Jacobsz/ Francisco Pelsaert
Abel Tasman
1642 & 1644
Willem De Vlamingh
Willen Janszoon
Dirk Hartog
Adrian Jacobsz
Abel Tasman
de Vlamingh
William Dampier
William Dampier
Cygnet & Roebuck
1688 & 1699
Jean Francois Marie de Surville
de Surville
James Cook
James Cook
HM Barque Endeavour
Marc-Joseph Marion du Fresne
Du Fresne
La Perouse
Jean-François de Galaup, Comte de La Pérouse
L’Astrolabe and La Boussole
Nicholas Baudin
Nicholas Baudin
L’Astrolabe and La Boussole
Matthew Flinders
Matthew Flinders
Reliance and Investigator
1795 - 1802

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