Painting Plein Air,
The Heidelberg School
Australian Impressionism

In Australia the terms Heidelberg School and Australian Impressionism are often used interchangeably, but in fact the Heidelberg 'School' reflects only a few of the artists who were painting au plein air (outdoors) from around the 1880s.
I suggest that if you want to review this period, there a number of wonderful painters from across Australia who were using techniques based on Realism in France and around Cornwall in the UK, as well as French Impressionism.
There were also a number of artists who travelled overseas from Australia who painted for periods of time in Europe and the UK.
Below you will find a series of pdfs - taken from presentations I've given on this subject. I will be adding articles as well. You are welcome to use this material, but please acknowldege the souce and author - Andrea Hope
Realism and French Impressionism - Influence on Australian Plein Air Painting (France and UK) - No 1 in series
You may enjoy this short video by the State Library of Victoria about the Georgiana McCrae's paintbox and easel, which demonstrates the watercolour equipment being used in the late 1800s, and how this supported plein air painting.